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Shenandoah Society
PO Box 61
Williamstown VIC 3016
Ph: 1300 722 172
Fax: 03 9397 2937

Williamstown Heritage Boat Show
Major Corporate Sponsorship Expressions of Interest

The Shenandoah Society are holding a major Heritage Boat Show in Williamstown on the 27th and 28th March 2004 (Williamstown Festival Weekend) and are seeking Corporate Sponsorship in the categories outlined below. Exhibitors will be entitled to badging rights, and featured on posters and promotional activities.

The Shenandoah Society is a not-for-profit organisation. It will be showcasing some of Australia's best classic boats, including sail boats, power boats and steam boats on the old Port of Melbourne site in Nelson Place, with the ultimate aim of a permanent Heritage Sea Port on this site.

This is your opportunity to become involved at ground level as a preferred sponsor. There will be only one sponsor per major category, and the categories open for sponsorship are:

Yes, please reserve category marked X above for:

Company Name: ______________________________________________________

Telephone No: ________________________________________________________

Representative: _______________________________________________________

Sponsorship benefits includes:


The event is expected to attract over 5,000 classic boat enthusiasts. There will be many heritage boats moored near the site and on the hard stand area, including several historic Tall Ships. The Heritage Boat Show has already received overwhelming support from media, local councils and community groups, and we have pleasure in extending this invitation to your company, as we believe this may also offer a future site to showcase your services.

If you would like to reserve your exclusive sponsorship within the category that most suits your business, please print out and complete this form and fax to: 03 9397 2937, or phone me to discuss further details.

Kerrie Goodall
Ph: 1300 722 172
Promotional Committee
Williamstown Heritage Boat Show

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