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Shenandoah Society
PO Box 61
Williamstown VIC 3016
Ph: 1300 722 172
Fax: 03 9397 2937

Williamstown Heritage Boat Show
Trade Stand - Vendor Application Form

Goods to be sold:




Size of stand 4m x 4m, at $26.00 per square metre: cost = $416.00 for two days,
27 & 28 March 2004. Power to site (240v) provided. All other stand requirements
to be supplied by you.

[ ] Tick here if you are a sponsor - stand costs are included in sponsorship.

Company Name: _______________________________________________________

Company Address: _____________________________________________________

ABN Number: ________________________________________________________

Personal Name: ________________________________ Tel: ___________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

Please print out and complete this form and fax
to: 03 9397 2937, or phone me to discuss further details.
Kerrie Goodall
Ph: 1300 722 172
Promotional Committee
Williamstown Heritage Boat Show

Please note: no liability will be accepted for visitors, entrants or exhibitors for injury or accident on this Heritage Boat Show site during the weekend of 27th and 28th March 2004 - CEO, Shenandoah Society.

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